Newborn Photography in Asheville | Jocelyn Session Preview

Baby girl yawning on bed in pink swaddle during Newborn Photography in Asheville

This little sweet pea did a wonderful job for her first photo session and newborn photography in Asheville, NC! She loves being swaddled, and loves her snuggles from Mommy and Daddy. She even shared some of her spotlight with her big sister, Shelby the dog!

When I arrived at Brittany and Jeremy’s home I was greeted by Shelby, their spunky and lovable dog. After Shelby got her smells in I took a minute to meet sweet Jocelyn. She was being held by her daddy and was sleeping soundly. I took a few minutes to look around at possible photo locations within their home and loved what I found! They had wonderful light in their bedroom, which is always a great choice for newborn photos because it’s typically a very cozy and relaxed space. Taking newborn photos in a space like this keeps family members relaxed and settled, which in turn helps keep a baby settled and calm. They also had beautiful light coming through the windows in the back of the house along the kitchen and living room. This is another great choice for photos because there are typically beautiful hardwoods to use as a backdrop on the floor for basket shots.

When it was time to get started, Jocelyn was a very sleepy. This is a perfect way to start newborn photography in Asheville, so we jumped right in. I started with her swaddled and on the foot of her parents bed. Here we took a lot of close ups on her back, side, and belly. When she got a little antsy it was perfect timing for full family shots, so she snuggled with Mom and Dad a bit for these shots and continued to do a wonderful job! Before we moved on to basket shots in the living space, we asked sweet Shelby to join the family on the bed for a few photos. Shelby hopped right up, laid down next to her daddy, and looked right at me. How much more perfect could this have been?!

Next we headed to the living space for some baby in a basket photos. My newborn photography in Asheville isn’t complete without it! By this time, Jocelyn was getting a little hungry and didn’t enjoy her outfit change. With our parenting and newborn settling skills, were able to settle her down for her beautiful photos in the basket. Sweet Jocelyn was as happy as could be.

As you can see this growing family is perfect in all aspects, and they adore their little addition!

Thank you for asking me to capture your newborn photography in Asheville!

For more newborn photography in Asheville, click over to Asheville Newborn Photography In Home | Baby Girl Lily.

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