Newborn Photographer in Asheville | Baby Emma Jo

Newborn baby yawning in basket with Newborn Photographer in Asheville

This sweet little babe was an absolute joy to photograph for this newborn photographer in Asheville, NC! At only 4 days old, she was snuggly, happily settled, and oh so beautiful!

I had the honor of photographing her parent’s maternity photos at Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC a couple of months before she arrived, and it was wonderful to see them so very excited to meet her. From little outfits to books, they were ready for their first babe to arrive, and I loved capturing this amazing time for them as a newborn photographer in Asheville!

When I arrived to meet and photograph Emma Jo, the house was quiet. Since Emma Jo was sleeping and very settled, we jumped right in and started taking her newborn photos. After a few minutes she woke up to check me out and share her big beautiful eyes with me. It was absolutely perfect! As we transitioned through different wraps and positions, she just hung out and looked out the window for a while. She is such a happy baby! Soon she fell back asleep and allowed me to maneuver her as I wished, even on her belly and in a basket, which was a lovely way to finish up the photos of her by herself.

Once we finished up her solo photos, it was time for her to snuggle with Mom and Dad. Of course they loved this idea, and were happy to spend some of their time loving on their new baby. While snuggling with her parents, Emma Jo was extremely settled and slept through Mom’s kisses on the cheek, and Dad playfully touching noses with her. These were such cute moments and I loved capturing them! Being a newborn photographer in Asheville is so much fun!

This gorgeous little family was a blast to photograph. As you can see, Emma Jo was an absolute doll and a perfect little subject! I adored capturing them as their newborn photographer in Asheville.

For more from this newborn photographer in Asheville, click over to Newborn Photography in Asheville | Jocelyn Session Preview and Asheville Newborn Photography In Home | Baby Girl Lily.

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